Measurement of associated production of vector bosons and top quark-antiquark pairs in pp collisions at sqrt[s]=7 TeV.
- S Chatrchyan
- V Khachatryan
- A M Sirunyan
- A Tumasyan
- W Adam
- E Aguilo
- T Bergauer
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- T Hreus
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- M Tytgat
- S Walsh
- E Yazgan
- N Zaganidis
- S Basegmez
- G Bruno
- R Castello
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- C Delaere
- T du Pree
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- J Hollar
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- O Militaru
- C Nuttens
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- A Pin
- K Piotrzkowski
- J M Vizan Garcia
- N Beliy
- T Caebergs
- E Daubie
- G H Hammad
- G A Alves
- M Correa Martins Junior
- T Martins
- M E Pol
- M H G Souza
- W L Aldá Júnior
- W Carvalho
- J Chinellato
- A Custódio
- E M Da Costa
- D De Jesus Damiao
- C De Oliveira Martins
- S Fonseca De Souza
- H Malbouisson
- M Malek
- D Matos Figueiredo
- L Mundim
- H Nogima
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- A Santoro
- L Soares Jorge
- A Sznajder
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- A Vilela Pereira
- T S Anjos
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- F A Dias
- T R Fernandez Perez Tomei
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- C Lagana
- F Marinho
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- G M Chen
- H S Chen
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- D Liang
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- C Avila
- C A Carrillo Montoya
- J P Gomez
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- M Finger
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- Y Erdogan
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- W Haj Ahmad
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- A Nowack
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- O Pooth
- P Sauerland
- A Stahl
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- I Asin
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- U Behrens
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- H Jung
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- D Krücker
- E Kuznetsova
- W Lange
- J Leonard
- W Lohmann
- B Lutz
- R Mankel
- I Marfin
- M Marienfeld
- I-A Melzer-Pellmann
- A B Meyer
- J Mnich
- A Mussgiller
- S Naumann-Emme
- O Novgorodova
- F Nowak
- J Olzem
- H Perrey
- A Petrukhin
- D Pitzl
- A Raspereza
- P M Ribeiro Cipriano
- C Riedl
- E Ron
- M Rosin
- J Salfeld-Nebgen
- R Schmidt
- T Schoerner-Sadenius
- N Sen
- A Spiridonov
- M Stein
- R Walsh
- C Wissing
- V Blobel
- H Enderle
- J Erfle
- U Gebbert
- M Görner
- M Gosselink
- J Haller
- T Hermanns
- R S Höing
- K Kaschube
- G Kaussen
- H Kirschenmann
- R Klanner
- J Lange
- T Peiffer
- N Pietsch
- D Rathjens
- C Sander
- H Schettler
- P Schleper
- E Schlieckau
- A Schmidt
- M Schröder
- T Schum
- M Seidel
- J Sibille
- V Sola
- H Stadie
- G Steinbrück
- J Thomsen
- L Vanelderen
- C Barth
The first measurement of vector-boson production associated with a top quark-antiquark pair in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7 TeV is presented. The results are based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0 fb(-1), recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2011. The measurement is performed in two independent channels through a trilepton analysis of ttZ events and a same-sign dilepton analysis of ttV (V = W or Z) events. In the trilepton channel a direct measurement of the ttZ cross section σ(ttZ) = 0.28(-0.11)(+0.14) (stat)(-0.03)(+0.06) (syst) pb is obtained. In the dilepton channel a measurement of the ttV cross section yields σ(ttV) = 0.43(-0.15)(+0.17) (stat)(-0.07)(+0.09) (syst) pb. These measurements have a significance, respectively, of 3.3 and 3.0 standard deviations from the background hypotheses and are compatible, within uncertainties, with the corresponding next-to-leading order predictions of 0.137(-0.016)(+0.012) and 0.306(-0.053)(+0.031) pb.
منابع مشابه
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عنوان ژورنال:
- Physical review letters
دوره 110 17 شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2013